I hate Grey's Anatomy because:
1. It started out well. Good storyline: Malfunctioning doctor with personal problems, famous mother who is suffering from Schizophrenia, remembers only her long lost great love, and often treats her daughter like gutter water. A hot surgeon and a one night stand that has the potential of becoming something more. A great cast. Now they have lost that focus. There is no substance.
2. It is now about what most of America suffers from-inability to maintain long lasting relationships. We are not talking about June cleaver but it is possible for relationships to survive the worst tragedies.
3. It has gone from a medical drama to a daytime soap opera. Yes, there are many good actors dying to live the Hollywood dream, but why does everything have to be about sleeping around with as many people as possible. Being doctors don't they know about STDs? I feel like I am watching The Bold and The Beautiful. Everyone is trying to sleep with everyone else. in their own little circle. There are quickie weddings in Las Vegas and just as quick divorces. Best friends falling in Love and not being able to sustain that romantic relationship because the sex is not good.
4. Now to top it all of there is lesbian love. Why? Why? Why? Is it really necessary? I have nothing against homosexuality. If you fall in love with someone of the same sex-go ahead. Homosexuality is a personal choice just as heterosexuality is. But here is the thing- these two people are straight. Straight as an arrow. But like a lot of lesbian relationships they have had trouble with men so are now venturing into virgin tterroritory. They have never visited this land before. The two women, Calli and Erica have become good friends. They gel together. So one night they kiss and all of a sudden they are lesbians. So I guess if you can't have a good relationship with the opposite sex try one with someone of the same sex with whom you are friendly. After ll what is friendship- just another way to get into someone else's pants. Friends with benefits. What on Earth makes scientists think that homosexuality is genetic? There is no chromosome that makes someone a homosexual. It is a conscious choice!
5. Meredith Grey, the person around whom this poor drama revolves, goes from being a person who is capable of love, making sound decisions and fighting for the one she loves becomes neurotic. She gets derek and doesn't want him anymore. She get a hot vet who is madly in love with her but drops him for Derek and then drops Derek again. She is confused. Stay with Derek or not. Let him move in or not. Derek soon becomes her puppet.
5. Then we have Katherin Hiegl, the real life drama queen. The woman who thinks the whol eworld must know what REALLY happened on the set. She is lucky that she is a good actress because they way she wags her tongue gets her out of the pan and into the fire. She is a foolish, blonde woman who can act. Thats the only reason she survived the cut.
6. Shonda RHimes has run out of good ideas and is scraping the bottom of the barrel with gimmicks. Lets see... Issie is madly in love with a patient, lets kill him so that they can have ghost sex. Alex falls in love with a patient who has lost her memory but would actually be perfect for him.... Hmmm let him be the bad boy and turn her down. When she comes back he has every opportunity to love her and be happy but no. She gets pregnant, loses the baby, tries to commit suicide and ends up in a mental institution. Yang is left at the altar. TR Knight is gay and behaved unprofessionally when he came late to the set on that fateful day of the big fight. He should have also been reprimanded, not just Isaiah Washington. The man made a mistake. He made a prejudiced comment in anger. He apologised. Somehow we have forgotten how to forgive. Anyone would think no one else get angry enough to cloud their judgement. Thayer, Meredith's father, loses his second wife and becomes an alcoholic. Her half sister is treated like a leper. So pathetic!
Inspite of all this we all watch this silly show. But lets get it out of our heads that it will ever be as good as ER. If it had been able to maintain a certain standard, maybe. But alas Patrick dempsey and his great hair is not enough to sustain this show.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I think this the year forr bad decisions:
1. Bad haircut.
2. Phone with too many applications that I will never use.
3. Too many desserts.
4. MBA v/s M. Ed
I'm sure there are going to be more I can add to the list. The year is not over yet.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I've been reading Rujuta Diwekar's new book, 'Lose WeightNot Your Mind.' Nice title;tells you succinctly what the book is about. For those who don't know who Rujuta is, she is the dietician to the stars, now infamously known as the woman who enabled Kareena Kapoor to achieve a "size zero figure."
The book begins well but very quickly goes downhill. Why? Well its badly written. I felt I was reading Rujuta's journal. The language used was terrible. It appears she was trying to personalise the book by using Hindi-English slang. The only person she speaks highly of is Kareena Kapoor. That is hardly surprising since she is the famous body who propelled this little known dietician to fame. Apparently Kareena is down to Earth bcause she called this woman herself, no middleman or secretary had to make the call. Rujuta was so busy she didn't have time to charge her phone and take calls. Kareena appeared to love and accept her body because "she didn't point to flabby parts and say she needed to change things", "she said thank you when she was complimented about how good she looked," and she only wanted "to look more toned and lean" because she had to "wear a bikini for Tashan." The all-round perfect client! Soon Amrita Arora, Saif, Karishma and many others followed suit, to maintain themselves.
Another thing that bothered me about the book were the words "mentally fucked." I felt like she was trying to appear cool, after all, so many of her clients probably use those words when they go to see her. She obviously didn't feel the need to correct them even through her writing. Bad language in a self help is ugly and rude. There are so many other words to express being "mentally fucked" like stressed, frustrated, irritated, had a bad day, angry, sad. Use them! Maybe the people reading your book will also learn to use them. It made me wonder who edited the book. Rujuta keeps referring to this woman as the genius who came up with the eye-catching name. Whoever she is should learn to mind her language and promote good English.
On the positive side, Rujuta does have good ideas. Kareena looks lovely. Power Yoga has become a popular trend in Delhi and Bombay.Rujuta is lining her pockets with a lot of money because even though the book is badly written people are buying it.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
How do we help people around us deal with grief, especially when they are dealing with the loss of a loved one who died gruesomely? Do we offer them comfort by imagining how they feel, letting them know that they are "allowed to be angry" and are "welcome to use us as punching bags and to feel free to call anytime and take your anger out on me"? Or do we invite them to party with us after giving them a few weeks to grieve? Life goes on, after all. When did it become appropriate for us to make someone else's loss all about us?
It is easy to forget that another person is in pain when we are thinking about ourselves. It is selfish. Sometimes you have to really listen to the grieving person because they will tell you what they need-peace and quiet, time with family and trusted close friends. You may not have a place on that list and that is difficult to accept. Why not get off the sympathy wagon and offer empathy instead? stop trying to imagine what they have gone through. Imagination is powerful, yet, misleading.
"I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance.People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction."
-Dalai Lama