George D'Arc........
That is what George Bush considers himself to be these days. He is quoted, as saying to the former Palestinian Foreign Minister, Nabil Shaath, " I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, ' George, go and fight those terrorrists in Afghanistan.' And I did. And then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq.......' and I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, ' Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security and get peace in the Middle East.' And by God I'm gonna do it."
He, also, told Palestinian leader, Mahmud Abbas, in Egypt, " I have a moral and religious obligation so I will get you a Palestinian state."
Georgie Porgie and delusions of grandeur and persecution.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
No sex, please........ we live in Tamil Nadu........
Sex scandals happening in Tamil Nadu and sensitivities of the Tamils being effected. Imagine!!! Periyar did say that sex was a personal issue, however, it has become a cocktail of politics and the people. The police have become the guardians of morals ( How moral are they??)
It all started a couple of weeks ago when, Khushboo, a South Indian actress, was interviewed for some Tamil magazine and was quoted as saying, "Don't expect your wives to be virgins." This statement was allegedly taken out of context. What she actually said was, " Young people should be taught about safe sex. Men should stop obsessing about their wives' virginity." NOw, the poor woman, is being sued by the state of Tamil Nadu, for degrading Tamil women and "making them hang their heads in shame." Keep in mind, she did not even say anything about Tamil women....... she was talking about women in general.
Two weeks ago, at Pasha, club at The Park, in Madras, there was a fashion show followed by a party. A photojournalist,from a new Tamil daily, took pictures of people smooching and hugging and dancing. Along came the moral police of Tamil Nadu, who arrested two young managers ( in their mid 20s) from The Park ( how were they responsible for someone else's behavior, God alone knows. Maybe they were choreographing the make out scene), and then they had a court order issued to shut down the entire hotel. (Someone rattled the cage) Then they threatened to arrest the girls in the pictures. Of course, that didn't happen but there is a court case filed against them.
India is supposed to be the land of the Kamasutra. Our temples and other historical sites have carvings of men and women in provocative poses. Our movies have women gyrating their hips vigorously, in a rather vulgar manner, and sticking out their busts or dressing indecently. Tamil movies depict unwed mothers. Tamil Nadu, has one of the highest rates of promiscuity and HIV/AIDS.
When did we become so moral?