Monday, September 12, 2011

I was skimming through the papers this morning and came across an article about an actress Nikita Thukral who was banned from acting in Telugu movies for 3 years by the KFPA (Kannada Film Producers Association) for her role in the marital dispute between actor Darshan and his wife, Vijayalakshmi. Seriously? My curiosity was piqued. I wanted to know what happened to Darshan? Did he get the proverbial slap on the wrist? Of course, he did!

I did a quick web search and found several articles quite easily. It seems this actor Darshan has quite the roving eye and "his philandering ways angered his wife." She left him, took the children and moved to a friend's house. Unable to convince Vijayalakshmi to come home, he sullied his name further by threatening her at gunpoint and hitting her. Drama, drama! So Darshan was arrested; his wife recuperated in the ICU. Celebrities weighed in about how Darshan played and angry man onscreen but off-screen he was actually amiable and the couple seemed quite happy together. Thats what people say about serial killers too-they are so kind and polite, they don't cause any trouble (until they kill someone of course)
An affair usually takes two people. If this alleged affair took place, he is just as much to blame. If he was seduced by Ms Thukral's charms, maybe he is just easy or is really not committed to his marriage or his wife. Or my favorite-he has a sex addiction! After all this is not his first affair.He fell off his wife's pedestal, maybe it's time he fell off the film industry's pedestal. If the industry can survive without Shiney Ahuja, they can survive without Darshan Whatshisname. Why should Nikita bear any such consequence just because Darshan couldn't keep his pants zipped and cannot control his anger? MCPs!!!!!!


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