Saturday, February 12, 2011

The age at which you get married really doesn't matter; what matters is are willing to make it work. All these celebrities get married and divorced at the drop of a hat! And the excuses are frivolous-

Married too young
Pressures of adulthood-They are going to be there whether you are married or not.
Irreconcilable differences-That means you had an argument and you want to be right, thus its my way or the divorce court.
Want a career-Whats stopping you? Work! Find a way to balance work and family.
Husband didn't work-Yes well... for a long time women didn't work and the men supported them.
No time to party!- Well you can if you figure out what your priorities are and how to balance them.
Too much time apart.
Pressures of work.
Growing apart. This does happen and its very sad when it does.
I like Will Smith's philosophy-Take divorce off the table. It shouldn't be an option at all.
Maybe this year should be named the "Year of Divorce" thanks to Hollywood and all the celebrities who are making it happen.
It's important for all of us to realize that being in love doesn't last forever. It has to change and grow. There needs to be more to a relationship than being in love, lust etc because once it starts to fade there better be something to take its place. So loving someone is just as important as being in love with them.
So many people say, "I'm married to my best friend and its great!" Or "We are getting divorced, but we love and respect each other and continue to be good friends." Well if you are such good friends and love and respect each other, why couldn't it hold you together? After the passionate love dies, isn't it good to have the friendship to hold you together? Marriage is a scary prospect!! Forever is a long time...


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