Monday, July 27, 2009

Why is it difficult for us to follow rules? Everyone from an adult to a child is unruly. Adults sometimes do not follow rules and they think its ok. Is it ok to send mixed messages-the message of do as I say not as I do? Little do we realise that our future citizens are watching us; and may replicate our moves. Life is not like a movie or an ad film with a little warning, in small print at the bottom of the screen, " These stunts are performed by experts and should not be imitated."

Here's my list of some of the rules we break:

1. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Not just that sometimes kids want to go for a joy ride in their parents' fancy cars. Without a license, drunk and all ready to show off, their parents encourage them to take the car with their friends in it. The car crashes, someone gets killed and the kids are shipped off to different parts of the world so that they don't go to jail. A perfectly good car is ruined not to mention the families of the kids involved.

2. Punctuality. From the time we are in school we are taught to be punctual and disciplined. However for social engagements why bother to be on time. Its good to be fashionably late. Aishwarya Rai was for some promotional event. Surprise! surprise! Everyone waited for her to arrive. If you look at your tickets for a theatre performance or concert they do say that everyone must be seated by a certain time. Usually people are not allowed to enter the hall once the program has started. I was watching a movie today in which the hero arrives late for a play. He tries explaining why he was late and that his girlfriend is the lead and that she had asked him to come. The usher points to a sign on the door which says that no one can go in after the play has begun and adds that "it affects the illusion." I have been for two performances by choreographer Jeffrey Vardon and each time it has started late. Each time, he offered his apologies to the audience saying that the reason they were starting late was because they were waiting for audience members who had not arrived and were stuck in traffic. Very thoughful of him; but what about the rest of us who did make it on time?

3. Stopping at a red light. This is one I have issues with. If we stop too long at a red light we lose patience. We could blame the weather-the sun is bright and hot or it is raining. Who cares, really? A red light is a red light and it means stop. There are two traffic lights near my house that are hazards and everyday the same things happen. If there are no cars coming from the side that has the green light, it is free for all for the others. Then there is a desperate struggle not to get hit and not to hit another vehicle.

4. When you are in bumper to bumper traffic, ease off the accelerator. Also if you hit the car in front of you, it is your fault. The vehicle at the back is always to blame. They stopped. You should have been more vigilant and alert. It is so easy to turn around and abuse the person you hit because you drive like a donkey and probably bribed someone to get your license. Also you do have the idiots who put their entire family of 5 on their bikes; those who weave in and out of traffic without looking. Kids showing off how fast their bikes can go as they race down the road on a sunday.

5. Cutting the queue. It happens everyday. You see a group of people in line join the end of the line. Don't try and cut in. We are not standing in line waiting for christmas. There are some cashiers and servers who ignore those who cut the line and serve those who were waiting. I do admire that.


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