Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nostalgia brings back peer pressure. Looking back on friends who have come and gone, I tend to remember all the good things, all the things I miss about them and how much fun it would be to hang out again. Then reality steps in. Your chance comes along and you realise that while losing a friend is painful, it can be the best thing that ever happened to you. A blessing in disguise! All I felt, recently, at a get-together, was relief! Isn't that wonderful!
Then I realised why:
1. I am at peace with myself. I am not involved in the backstabbing and politics. I don't have to worry that everyone else's life is so boring, that they are going to interfere in mine.
2. I don't have to go for every single party. The only reason I wanted to go was to hang out with my friends and I know I can do that at anytime. I am not missing out on anything, except for alcohol and late nights. I have tequilla at home, and ever-ready guinea pigs, who are more than willing to try out my new concoctions.
3. I used to wonder what everyone is doing, are they having fun, am I missed. Thanks to Facebook, I actually have the answers to all my questions. :). I know I am definitely having fun. I don't do the same things every weekend-Zara/Distil/ Leather Bar, followed by Pasha, ending at 601. Yawn!
4. I don't have to hang out with rude individuals, just because they are a part of the group. I enjoy the company of the people I do hang out with and that makes the difference. There has to be more to friendship than partying every night and getting drunk.
5. Without the extra stress, I am a nicer person.

I am glad I went for dinner. It was a moment of clarity I needed. Sometimes it is better to have no friends than to have the wrong friends. I call this spring cleaning. I AM FREE!


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