Sunday, September 26, 2004

Girls can become doormats in relationships. I prefer to use the term "welcome mat". In ebonics it would be the booty call girl. The one who basically gives the message of "Come in! Come in! You can wipe your feet on me. Tread all over me and then walk out." Lovely!! I don't why we do this to ourselves. It doesn't matter how old the girl is- whether she is in her teens or in adulthood- there will always be a point in her life where she played the doormat.
My cousin read my blog the other day and reacted saying, "You're quite a feminist aren't you?" I am not a fullblown feminist where I would start yelling at a guy for being chivalrous but I am all for girl power. This means that I do think that girls should be strong, independent, spirited, should have an opinion and should be able to go on living even when the guy she loves walks out on her. Basically she should respect herself. She should know how to maintain her bank balance.
My friend Sheenam's dad died in a horrific car accident when she was 12 years old. At the time of her father's death her mother had no idea as to how to do anything except cook and look after the kids. She did not know what their company did and how to run it. She did not know how many bank accounts there were, how much money there was in the bank....nothing. She didn't have to learn all these either because her husband's brother (who was also her sister's husband) would have taken over the business, would have made sure that they had everything they wanted. They also lived as a joint family. But this wasn't good enough for Sheenu's mom. She taught herself everything. She went to work, learnt how to run the business, made sure the kids were educated. She made sure that Sheenu went to college and that she did what she wanted to do before she got married. She learnt how to live again through all the pain and she is happy. This is girlpower...... And as my friend Shona says "More power to her!"


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