I never thought that egocentric thinking belonged in India.... the land which touts 'Unity in Diversity' as the foundation of its constitution. I always thought that it belonged in countries like America, where most people believe that the only other country and culture in existence apart from the Stars and Stripes is Mexico (Thanks to a famous, heated presidential debate). Instead of being proud of our vast and rich culture and heritage, I am stunned that most of the Indians I have met in recent years are unaccepting of these differences, to the point of being insulting. What is even worse is, that, I had to come to another country to experience it.
Having studied in schools with people from all over the country, sometimes all over the world, everyone's diverse culture was just accepted as part and parcel. I think, that, we were more interested in each other as people rather than which language we spoke, how well we spoke languages from different states, the God we worshipped, the kind of clothes we wore, or the different ways in which five yards of cloth, otherwise known as a sari, was tied. At other times we were more concerned about the safety of our friends and other schoolmates especially when there were riots and it was difficult to travel up north without getting killed.
Maybe this, in and of itself, is a form of egocentric thinking???..........
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